Saturday, 5 November 2011

Preventing Objections


Objections or push-backs are natural. You will always face brush-off objections, especially on your initial call. Once you counter brush-off objections you have a choice. You can either let objections come up and handle them or handle them before they come up as part of your sales presentation/rapport building process.
Before you become an expert at preventing objections make sure you can handle brush-off objections such as:
"I'm not interested!"
"I don't have time to talk!"
"I don't have any budget"
"I'm happy with my current vendor"
It is human nature for people to be resistant to change and these brush-off objections help your customers resist change. Another reason potential customers use these objections is to save themselves time and the hassle of bad sales calls. Most sales people can't handle brush-off objections.
Let's use an objection prevention example from sales training. I will demonstrate how to head off an important hidden objection that is seldom mentioned by our customers and IS OFTEN THE MOST IMPORTANT REASON THEY DON'T BUY!
This hidden objection is the customer's previous experience of how difficult it is to implement any new process. This is especially true in behavior modification such as process improvement, or sales or management training.
And, here is how preventing this objection looks:
Mr. Customer, most of my clients were hesitant to try our sales simulation training, not because of cost or because it didn't work-they had too many examples of my other customers who had great ROI for that to be an issue. The major barrier in their minds was implementation, that it would take too much time, too much monitoring, and be too difficult to learn a new sales language. How similar is this to what you have found with other training?
Here we listen very carefully to our customer. They might do us the favor of revealing another barrier to our sale.
Well Mr. Customer, Jack at Jack's insurance was thrilled find out how easy it was for his sales reps to simply pop the CD into the player in their car and listen in between sales calls or on their commute or listen to it on their iPod at they gym. And, all of his reps saw measurable improvement with just this part of the program.
Another client, Charlie with Charlie's insurance watched her reps get into the workbook lessons, and saw additional measurable increases in sales. The few new acronyms were so natural that it was more like learning a name for the things they knew in their hearts that they should do.
Jack and Charlie told me that the best part of the system was an additional tool that I am pretty sure will be important to you. All the sales manager had to do to keep folks accountable on training was to ask to see the accountability sheets built into the workbook! How important would accountability tracking for training be to you?
Let's look at what we accomplished 
  1. We got to talk about our numerous testimonials and great ROI our sales-simulation training program has.
  2. We brought the hidden objection out of the closet.
  3. We showed how easy it was to get ROI by simply listening to the program.
  4. We showed the additional value of the workbook.
  5. We removed the fear of learning a new sales language and completely changing their current process.
We hit the hot button for all sales managers-accountability!
Action items: 
  1. Identify objections that could derail your sale
  2. Cover them in your presentation
  3. Watch your sales go up!
John Cameron President of Custom Sales Training
Watch John Cameron introducing principals from his sales simulation training program "Selling When You Can't See the Whites of Their Eyes." Listen to audio and view workbook samples of the course here. And then contact John for a free pre-sales call checklist.

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